Sunday, March 31, 2013

Main frame done (sort of)

Today I managed to get the main frame sanded and shaped.

I cleaned the raw laminate edges with a flapper disk + angle grinder and gave it the rough curves as a start.

So I sanded this down by hand using 80 grit paper and some small wood blocks I made.  I also used a thin piece of foam between the paper and wood block to get a smoother curve.  It looks quite trick in the flesh, the photos seem to pick up all the flaws...

I decided that the seat base, which was to be a bit of ply board sat on top of the rear frame section, should become a stiffening rib running from midway down the headstock upper to the rear section.

This involved making a curved piece of laminate.  Looking at 4mm ply you would think it would be quite flexible but the stuff I have is actually brittle.  I can get a bend that is fairly relaxed but anything remotely useful, even the radius of a rear tractor tyre will crack it.

I tried to ease it down onto the frame but it cracked (2 attempts).  I then steamed a piece over the kettle, hey presto it worked!!

So, steaming 2 pieces then screwing them in place for 10 mins created a decent fitting curved top plate.  I glued it all up and screwed it down hard.

NExt up I will be shaping the top piece then I might put some stain on.  Not sure yet...  I might not though as its not 100% finished, I need to finalise the headstock and make the swingarm/twinshock uprights and attach them.  At the mo I am thinking of using a hardwood dowel and glue to fix them in place.  I was hoping to bend them but after todays bending I am not sure the wood I have can get the bend I am after, at least not with my skillz.  We shall see.

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