Saturday, March 30, 2013

The first Cut

Time for the first cut!!!

AFter transfering the template onto one of my 4x4 sheets I cut a strip off (I get 2 frames per strip ).  After struggling with my "Jet" saw I got out my jigsaw which made short work of the paltry 4mm ply.

I made my first error here.  In an effort to speed up the process of cutting I screwed 3 sheets together.  This worked brilliantly when making the initial cuts but as I worked it more I found the screws pierced my fingers.  I struggled on having no shorter screws.  I then realised that I should have cut all 5 out at the same time...  The screws would have been fine then.

Anyway I got my clamps ready.

I made a little applicator from an offcut and spread the sheets with glue.

I clamped the lot onto a straight planed 2x2 wood beam to make an effort to keep it straight.  I didn't expect how much the sheets would slip as I clamped them and it needed a few adjustments before they were clamped and aligned.

I also found that the thin sheets didn't spread the clamping force that well requiring a few makeshift clamps to be employed.  This included the use of my oft-moched 1" vice.

So thats done, waiting time!

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